Alcoholism Hypnosis in London

Alcoholism hypnosis is a structured approach to overcome alcohol abuse. Hypnosis can help those struggling to break their addiction by working on the root cause of the dependency. Then using suggestion techniques hypnosis can help adjust negative thoughts and behaviour associated with the addiction. If you would like help with alcoholism or reduce alcohol consumption, consider my London hypnosis session. Click here for more details.


Alcoholism hypnosis


Alcoholism hypnosis to manage drinking


You may be wondering , what is alcohol addiction? Being dependent on alcohol means you feel like you’re unable to relax or enjoy yourself without a drink. You may feel like you’re unable to function at all without drinking, and that it has become an important, or the most important, factor in your life.

Alcohol dependency, (also known as alcoholism, alcohol addiction, or being an alcoholic) doesn’t have to mean you drink a lot at all times. Or that you binge-drink on certain days of the week. If you are drinking alcoholic drinks regularly, be that as a way to unwind, or cope with particularly stressful situations,  you are likely to have at least a degree of alcohol dependency. Alcoholism hypnosis can really interrupt these unwanted behaviour patterns, reducing hangovers and feelings of dependency.

Problem drinking isn’t always easy to identify. You may not notice when alcohol goes from being part of your social life to shaping your whole life and the choices you make. It can affect your life in many different ways, harming your mind, body and relationships. Over time, it can affect those around you too.


Alcoholism facts


In 2018, 5,698 deaths were attributed to alcohol. Men (38%) and women (19%) aged 55 to 64 were found to be drinking the most. Usually drinking 14 or more units per week – higher than the recommended guidelines.

The NHS Statistics on Alcohol, England 2020 report, show a 6% year on year increase in the number of hospital admissions, where the main cause for concern was drinking alcohol. Over the space of 10 years, figures have risen by 19%, with 358,000 people being admitted between 2018/19 alone. The role of alcoholism hypnosis treatment couldn’t be more needed.

An estimated 9% of men and 3% of women in the UK show signs of alcohol dependency. This can indeed occur at any age, to anyone, no matter what their background.


What causes alcoholism?


The causes of alcoholism can vary. Yet there are a number of factors thought to contribute to an individual developing alcohol dependence. It can stem from using drink as a way to cope with big stressful life events, such as bereavement or redundancy. Or it is a way to numb day-to-day stresses, anxiety or worries. During alcoholism hypnosis sessions we look into the root causes of your drinking and create new ways of dealing with those factors.

Drinking alcohol may seem like nothing, just a normal part of your life. You might not think it’s a problem at first, but over time, relying on alcohol as a way of emotional support will become second nature to you. When you immediately turn to drink instead of other ways of dealing with a situation, it is a cause for concern.

Your environment and past experiences can also contribute to developing a dependency on alcohol. For example, if you saw members of your family using alcohol as a way to unwind and cope. Then you may develop similar coping mechanisms. Whether we realise it or not, those around us, be that family, friends, or even media depictions of people we look up to, can all have an impact on our behaviour. Also impact how we approach problems and what we do to try and manage our own issues.


What are the main signs of a drinking problem?


Alcohol can be both physically and psychologically addictive. If you’re worried about your own drinking habits, or someone else’s, here are some common signs.

  • Worrying about when your next drink will be and planning social, family and work events around alcohol.
  • You no longer feel you have the ability to stop drinking, even if you want to.
  • Your mood seems to swing from one extreme to another, or you feel extremely irritable for no good reason.
  • Drinking early in the day, or feeling the need to drink in the morning.
  • Making excuses to drink (for example to deal with stress, to relax and unwind, or to ‘feel normal’), hiding your drinking or drinking alone.
  • Feeling the need to drink when under pressure or during stressful situations.
  • When you don’t drink, you experience physical withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, shaking and nausea, and these stop when you do drink.
  • Becoming distant or isolated from friends and family members.
  • Being unable to remember things or having gaps in your memory (these can be signs of short-term memory loss or temporary blackouts).
  • Choosing to drink rather than take care of other responsibilities or obligations.

If you recognise any of these signs in yourself or are worried about a friend, know that there is help available. If you’re worried about your own drinking but don’t feel comfortable speaking to friends, you can talk to your GP or a professional, for example a counsellor. There are also support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, where you can seek support from those who know what you’re going through.


How alcoholism hypnosis helps with drinking problems


Alcoholism hypnosis is an approach that many people find to be incredibly effective, especially when combined with other forms of treatment. For more information about my London alcoholism hypnosis sessions, get in touch today.

Often, there are a number of underlying issues that have led to the problem. Whether it be a traumatic event, a past experience or a number of stressors, if you have turned to alcohol or another substance as a way of self-medicating, the issue hasn’t been dealt with. Somewhere deep down, the effects are still there, quietly fuelling your addiction.

Hypnosis for alcoholism looks to change the way you think and behave in certain situations. Hypnosis for drinking aims to access your unconscious (the part of your mind that runs without you knowing). Using suggestion techniques, hypnosis can help you change the negative thoughts and behaviours associated with the addiction.


How does hypnosis work?


During hypnosis, as your hypnotherapist, I  will encourage you to enter a state of deep relaxation. It is in this trance-like state your unconscious is more open to suggestion. Using suggestion techniques and different visualisations, we look to change the way you think about alcohol. Encouraging you to feel less desire to drink.

In hypnotherapy for alcohol addiction, for example, the suggestions are usually tailored to your triggers, changing the way you react and help you to not crave alcohol. Suggestions may include not needing to drink anymore, or associating alcohol with an unpleasant taste or smell.


If you would like to find out more about alcoholism hypnosis, click here.



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Jason Demant Clinical Hypnotherapist
London hypnotherapist. Seeing clients in King's Cross and online. Diploma in clinical hypnotherapy, counselling and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) from Life Matters Training College, based on Harley Street, London. Fully insured and a validated practitioner of the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and member of the General Hypnotherapy Register.