Hypnosis for Anxiety Disorder – Does it Work?

If you are wondering if hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatments work, I can tell you that for well over 80% of my clients, the answer is a resounding yes. Let’s explain more about how the hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatment works. Living with anxiety can be an overwhelming experience. Whether anxiety builds up gradually or strikes suddenly due to a life-changing event, its impact on tasks and routines is undeniable. In this article we look into anxiety and how hypnosis can be transformative on the journey to more calm and confidence. I provide sessions for anxiety and anxiety disorders in London and online, get in touch to find out more.


Hypnosis for anxiety disorder - Does it work


Hypnosis for anxiety disorder – Does it work?


Anxiety manifests as worry, tension, or fear, often revolving around anticipated events, situations, or imagined future scenarios. It permeates thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, persisting even when the root cause remains elusive. Whether triggered by a specific traumatic incident, prolonged stress, or significant life events such as relocation, surgery, or divorce, anxiety can be traced to various sources. In some cases, an anxiety disorder arises without a clear cause, silently accumulating through the daily grind of stressors and worries. Imagine stress as a bucket in your mind. As it fills gradually, anxiety can seemingly creep up on you, leading to a range of symptoms.


Hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatment


We can look at serious anxiety as being Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety, and the common occurrence of panic attacks. By shedding light on these, we can understand and, ultimately, help an anxiety sufferer gain effective relief.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):

A prevalent form of anxiety, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by persistent, long-term feelings of anxiety and worry that extend beyond specific situations. The constant sense of unease becomes a default state, making it challenging to recall moments of relaxation. Those afflicted by GAD find themselves caught in a cycle of negative thinking, where one anxious thought seamlessly gives way to another. Hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatment seeks to identify these recurring patterns and then take proactive steps towards managing them.


Social Anxiety:

At my London office I frequently use hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatments for social anxiety. This is a fear of social situations that permeates daily activities such as work or when in a social situation. From mundane tasks like shopping to basic social interactions, for some, the persistent worry about how one is perceived becomes a significant impediment. Social Anxiety not only induces fear during social engagements but also triggers excessive worry before, during, and after such situations. Hypnosis for anxiety disorders helps reduce the resulting impact on confidence and self-esteem. Sometimes social anxiety will affect work and relationships as well.


Panic Attacks:

For many anxiety sufferers, panic attacks are a visceral manifestation of their internal struggles. These attacks can induce a sense of losing control, accompanied by intense physical symptoms such as a rapid heartbeat and a churning stomach. The unpleasant nature of these physical sensations creates a feedback loop of worry and fear, fostering apprehension about experiencing further panic attacks. Hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatment is about recognising the signs of panic attacks and addressing the immediate distress, whilst also formulating strategies for long-term relief.


Has Anxiety Become a Problem?


Recognising when anxiety becomes a problem is crucial for regaining control and overcoming anxiety’s impact. Let’s look at some of the signs that indicate when anxiety transforms into a significant challenge requiring attention and intervention.



  1. Daily Life Disruption:

Your worrying starts affecting your daily life, including your job and social interactions. The impact of anxiety becomes palpable, hindering your ability to perform routine tasks and engage in social activities.


  1. Disproportionate Fears or Worries:

Your fears or worries are out of proportion to the situations at hand, creating a heightened sense of unease and distress.


  1. Avoidance Behaviour:

You actively avoid situations that might trigger anxiety, limiting your experiences and interactions to evade discomfort.


  1. Overwhelming Distress:

The worries become increasingly distressing and prove challenging to control, permeating various aspects of your life.


  1. Regular Experience of Anxiety Symptoms:

Frequent encounters with symptoms of anxiety, including panic attacks, become a recurring pattern in your life.


  1. Impaired Functioning:

Day-to-day activities become challenging, and you find it hard to pursue activities you once enjoyed due to the pervasive nature of anxiety.


Hypnosis for anxiety disorder


Hypnosis for anxiety disorder – How it works


If you are looking for a transformative approach to managing anxiety, consider hypnosis. Hypnosis is a holistic approach, aiming to help you shift perspective, whilst addressing the root thoughts and reactions that fuel anxiety. By fostering relaxation and breaking the cycle of anxiety and dread, hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatments can bring about lasting therapeutic change at the subconscious level. This positive process empowers individuals to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and confidence.

Hypnosis for anxiety enables individuals to see things from a different perspective. Helps you to unravel thoughts and reactions that underpin anxieties. By fostering a shift in perspective, clients can break the cycle of negative thinking and dread.

A central focus of hypnosis is resolving the underlying thoughts and reactions that give rise to anxiety. Through Solution Focused techniques, attention is directed towards the present and future, bypassing the need to delve extensively into the past. Indeed hypnosis itself becomes a powerful tool for anxiety reduction. By inducing relaxation and guiding clients through positive visualizations, hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatments allow people to focus on the positive aspects of their lives, facilitating a change in perspective.

Clients are encouraged to think and express themselves positively, contributing to a reduction in anxiety levels. This approach creates a constructive and optimistic atmosphere during sessions. The structured approach of hypnosis for anxiety disorder therapy enhances the effectiveness of the therapeutic process, fostering lasting change in a relatively short period.


What is hypnosis like?


Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness experienced by all individuals to varying degrees daily. Far removed from the theatrical portrayals on stage, hypnosis in a therapeutic setting is a calm and focused state that offers a profound opportunity for relaxation and transformation. Hypnosis involves a shift in conscious awareness, allowing the mind to become more receptive to suggestions aimed at changing unhelpful thought patterns. During hypnosis, individuals experience a state of relaxed focused attention. It is an opportunity for the mind to be more responsive to therapeutic suggestions, creating a conducive environment for positive change. Contrary to common misconceptions, individuals remain in control during hypnosis. They have the autonomy to decide the usefulness of the information or suggestions provided. Hypnosis is a collaborative process where the client actively participates in their own transformative journey. The hypnotic experience including during hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatment, incorporates guided relaxation and mental imagery. As individuals relax, they enter deeper states of consciousness, shifting brainwave patterns towards alpha and theta activity. This shift fosters a sense of calmness and relaxation while opening the door to visualizing images and reflecting on helpful ideas.


How many sessions of hypnosis for anxiety will I need?


While the number of sessions required for lasting change varies for each individual, a general guideline for anxiety and stress-related issues is a minimum of four to eight sessions. Hypnosis for anxiety disorder treatment is certainly not a magic wand, but it offers tangible results within a relatively short timeframe.

An essential aspect of hypnosis is its individualised nature. Recognising that anxiety is a deeply personal experience, hypnosis as I use it at my London office is made to suit the unique needs and circumstances of each person. We explore the strategies and techniques that empower individuals to cultivate resilience, manage stress, and foster a mindset conducive to long-term well-being. The goal is not just to alleviate anxiety temporarily but to equip individuals with tools for sustained mental health.


Booking hypnosis for anxiety disorder sessions


If anxiety is casting a shadow over your life, taking the first steps to seek support is a crucial and empowering. My sessions in London and online can offer a transformative approach to overcoming anxiety. Get in touch today and begin your journey to more calm and confidence.



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Jason Demant Clinical Hypnotherapist
London hypnotherapist. Seeing clients in King's Cross and online. Diploma in clinical hypnotherapy, counselling and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) from Life Matters Training College, based on Harley Street, London. Fully insured and a validated practitioner of the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and member of the General Hypnotherapy Register.