Porn Addiction Help


Are you looking for porn addiction help? In today’s digitally connected world, the accessibility of explicit content has seen a surge in porn consumption across diverse demographics. With the ease of access to arousing material, pornography can insidiously infiltrate the daily routines of individuals, particularly those who frequently grapple with feelings of boredom or loneliness. I provide help for porn addiction in London and online using hypnotherapy and other therapy approaches.


Porn addiction help


Porn addiction help


Statistical data suggests that a substantial portion of the population engages with porn regularly, with an estimated 64% of men and 15% of women reporting monthly consumption. A revealing survey conducted by Relate, a relationship support charity, unveiled that a significant 20% of British adults express concerns about the potential grip of porn addiction. This revelation is hardly surprising, as the relentless cycle of viewing and indulging in explicit content can rapidly escalate, resulting in profound emotional and psychological distress. Porn addiction help is focussed less so about the act of viewing pornography but the manner in which we approach it.

Given the contentious nature of pornography, discussing one’s engagement with explicit material openly and candidly can often be a daunting prospect. It is, in part, this hesitance that allows pornography addiction to flourish unnoticed until it reaches a critical juncture. It is providing a safe confidential space to talk which is so crucial for effective porn addiction help.

In taking an impartial perspective, it becomes evident that there are both positive and negative aspects associated with porn consumption. For many, pornography serves as a means of self-education regarding matters of human sexuality. This initial curiosity can stem from the inadequacy of sexual education in schools or parents feeling uncomfortable broaching honest conversations about adulthood with their children. Additionally, porn can offer a safe and private space for individuals who may be grappling with questions about their sexual identity.


Porn addiction help in London


As often discussed in porn addiction help sessions, the glaring drawback of porn lies in the fact that it doesn’t always depict real-life sexual encounters accurately. This can lead to a distorted perception of what to expect in intimate relationships, potentially fostering unrealistic expectations. The issue with pornography doesn’t solely revolve around its explicit content but rather its tendency to portray a limited and often skewed perspective of human intimacy.

On the flip side, excessive prohibition surrounding pornography tends to foster unnecessary feelings of shame and guilt, despite the fact that these desires are perfectly natural and healthy. As acclaimed author Alan Moore astutely pointed out, “Sexually progressive cultures gave us literature, philosophy, civilization… while sexually restrictive cultures gave us the Dark Ages and the Holocaust.”


Pornography addiction help not shaming or finger wagging


Given that sexuality is one of our most fundamental human needs, it’s unlikely to be eradicated through religious, political, or moral strictures. Instead, a more constructive approach involves open and honest discussions about pornography use to mitigate its potential harm on individuals and society. Repressing or denying these innate human needs has historically proven to be both unrealistic and destructive.

Now, let’s explore how one can identify if they have developed an addiction to pornography. Recognising such an addiction can be a complex and deeply personal process, often clouded by feelings of shame and guilt. While it may not immediately appear that pornography consumption can have a significantly adverse impact on our lives, several clear signs can help individuals assess if they might have a problem with porn.


If you or someone you know is concerned about a potential pornography addiction, it’s essential to be vigilant for these common red flags:

  1. Compulsiveness: Individuals with a porn addiction often struggle to control their consumption, even when they earnestly wish to quit. They may find themselves spending excessive amounts of time viewing explicit material and constantly thinking about it. Attempts to cease or reduce pornography use may be met with intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms, frequently resulting in unsuccessful quitting attempts.


  1. Escalation of Use: An alarming sign of addiction is the need for increasingly explicit or extreme forms of pornography to attain the same level of satisfaction or arousal. This phenomenon signifies a disruption in the brain’s dopamine reward system, resulting in elevated tolerance levels. Consequently, the same quantity of pornography no longer provides the desired levels of gratification. If this sounds like you, porn addiction help is here. Get in touch to find out more about sessions in London and online.


  1. Breakdown of Romantic Relationships: Perhaps one of the most prevalent repercussions of pornography addiction is the erosion of intimacy and sexual satisfaction within romantic partnerships. Pornography can create unrealistic expectations regarding sexual performance and personal appearance, often leading to emotional distance and conflicts between partners.


  1. Emotional and Psychological Fallout: Excessive porn consumption can contribute to a range of negative emotional and psychological consequences. This may manifest as low self-esteem, overwhelming feelings of guilt and shame, and potentially lead to conditions like anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal. As a coping mechanism, individuals may increasingly seek out more extreme forms of pornography as the brain’s dopamine reward system becomes desensitised.


Porn addiction help London


Recognising these signs and their impact is crucial for those who suspect they may have a pornography addiction or for those concerned about someone else’s well-being. Seeking porn addiction help and support from professionals and support networks can be the first step towards addressing and overcoming this addiction. Additionally, excessive pornography consumption can lead to further detrimental effects on an individual’s life:


  1. Distorted Sexual Perception: Excessive porn consumption can not only disrupt existing relationships but also warp one’s perception of potential future sexual partnerships. This subtle yet significant shift can make it increasingly challenging to initiate intimate relationships, as individuals may tend to objectify potential partners, focusing primarily on physical aspects of sexuality. This phenomenon is most concerning when it manifests in toxic online communities such as incel (involuntary celibate) groups, where objectification and negative attitudes toward women can be prevalent.


  1. Negative Impact on Healthy Personal Development: The surges in dopamine that result from excessive sexual release can lead to decreased productivity, poor concentration, and persistent lethargy. Individuals may find themselves cycling through periods of low motivation, feeling listless and lacking energy. This not only impacts personal well-being but can also spill over into one’s professional life, hindering performance and career advancement.


If any of these signs resonate with you and are causing distress or negatively affecting your life and relationships, it may be a clear indicator of a problematic relationship with pornography. Acknowledging these signs is the first step towards seeking help and support to address and overcome the challenges posed by pornography addiction.


Porn addiction and dependence


Indeed, unlike substance abuse addictions, pornography addiction is primarily characterised by psychological and emotional dependency rather than a physical substance. Consequently, therapeutic interventions, particularly psychotherapies, can be highly effective in regaining control over excessive pornography use.

Psychotherapies and hypnotherapy offer individuals struggling with pornography addiction a safe and supportive environment to explore the underlying causes, triggers, and emotional patterns that contribute to their addiction. Here are some key psychotherapeutic approaches that can be beneficial:


  1. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviours associated with pornography addiction. It provides strategies to develop healthier coping mechanisms, manage cravings, and make positive behavioural changes.


  1. Mindfulness-Based Therapies: Techniques such as mindfulness meditation and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions in the present moment. This increased awareness can assist in reducing impulsive behaviours related to pornography consumption.


  1. Individual and Group Therapy: Individual therapy provides one-on-one support, while group therapy offers the opportunity to connect with others facing similar challenges. Both settings encourage open dialogue, peer support, and sharing coping strategies.


  1. Family Therapy: In cases where pornography addiction has strained familial relationships, family therapy can be instrumental in rebuilding trust, improving communication, and fostering understanding among family members.


  1. Sex Therapy: For those experiencing sexual dysfunction or relationship issues due to pornography addiction, sex therapy can address these specific concerns and work on improving intimacy and communication within partnerships.


  1. Online Support Groups: Online support groups and forums provide a valuable platform for individuals to connect with others facing similar struggles. These communities offer empathy, guidance, and a sense of belonging.


  1. Psychodynamic Therapy: This type of therapy delves into deep-seated emotional and psychological issues that may contribute to addiction. It helps individuals explore the roots of their addictive behaviours and develop healthier coping mechanisms.


Porn addiction help hypnotherapy


Seeking help from a qualified therapist or counsellor who specializes in addiction and can tailor their approach to your specific needs is a crucial step in overcoming pornography addiction. By addressing the psychological and emotional aspects of the addiction, individuals can gain the tools and insight needed to regain control over their lives and build healthier relationships.


Porn addiction and hypnotherapy


Hypnotherapy is indeed a valuable form of treatment that can be employed to assist individuals grappling with pornography addiction. This therapeutic approach, rooted in the exploration of one’s subconscious mind, offers a unique way to address the underlying issues contributing to addiction. Here’s a closer look at how hypnotherapy can be effective:

Deep Relaxation and Focus: Hypnotherapy guides individuals into a state of profound relaxation and heightened focus. In this state, the boundary between the conscious and subconscious mind becomes more permeable, allowing for a deeper connection with one’s inner thoughts and feelings.

Accessing the Subconscious: While under hypnosis, individuals can delve into their subconscious, where memories, emotions, and thought patterns are stored. This provides an opportunity to uncover triggers or past traumas that may have played a role in the development of a pornography addiction.

Addressing Underlying Causes: Hypnotherapy sessions often involve addressing and healing the underlying causes of addiction. By identifying and processing these root issues, clients can experience a profound sense of healing and understanding on both conscious and subconscious levels.

Creating New Perspectives: Hypnotherapy can help clients reframe their perceptions and beliefs surrounding pornography and addiction. By introducing positive suggestions and alternative coping mechanisms, individuals can develop healthier attitudes and behaviours.


The heart of the issue with pornography lies in its potential to serve as a substitute for authentic intimacy. To break free from its grasp, it’s crucial to differentiate between porn and genuine sexual experiences. Despite its immediate allure, pornography can never truly satisfy us on an emotional level, nor can it be a remedy for loneliness or heartbreak.

When the allure of erotic fantasy overshadows the reality of intimate connections, we enter relationships ill-prepared to invest fully in our partners. Given that relationships are a cornerstone of mental, physical, and spiritual fulfilment, our inability to commit to our loved ones’ happiness inevitably hinders our capacity to commit to our own.

So, what lies beyond a life plagued by pornography addiction? It’s a life where individuals can engage in authentic, emotionally fulfilling relationships. It’s a life where they can embrace the complexity of human intimacy, with all its joys and challenges. It’s a life where they can pursue mental, physical, and spiritual well-being with a renewed sense of purpose, free from the constraints of addiction.

Breaking free from pornography addiction opens the door to a more meaningful, vibrant, and balanced life. It requires dedication, support, and a willingness to confront the underlying issues, but the journey towards authentic intimacy and fulfilment is undoubtedly worth the effort. If you are looking for porn addiction help get in touch today to find out about sessions in London and online.

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Jason Demant Clinical Hypnotherapist
London hypnotherapist. Seeing Clients in King's Cross and online.